Why filter
your water?
Drinking HYDROVOS filtered water is one of the best ways to ensure
that you are getting the cleanest and healthiest water possible

Why drinking Hydrovos® filtered water may be your best decision yet
Drinking HYDROVOS filtered water is one of the best ways to ensure that you are getting the cleanest and healthiest water possible. Filtered water is free of most contaminants, chemicals, and other pollutants that are sometimes found in tap water. It is also mostly free of chlorine, which has been linked to some human diseases.
Filtered water is healthier than tap water
The first reason to drink filtered water is that it is much healthier than tap water. Tap water can contain a variety of contaminants suspended in the water, including lead, arsenic, and other chemicals. Although our water utilities do a great job of treating our water, some contamination still can occur in the distribution system. These types of contaminants can be harmful to your health, and some may even cause serious illnesses. Filtered water, on the other hand, reduces the level of these contaminants, making it safer to drink.
Filtered water just tastes better
Another reason to drink filtered water is that it tastes better. Unfiltered, or tap water can have a strong chlorine or off taste, which can be unpleasant. HYDROVOS Filtered water, however, has a much cleaner and fresher taste as it reduces the taste of chorine, chloramines and other chemicals which can spoil the flavor of the water. This makes it much more enjoyable to drink, and can even make it easier to stay hydrated.
Filtered water is more affordable
Additionally, using a HYDROVOS filtered drinking water system is much more affordable than bottled water. Bottled water can be expensive, and it is not always the healthiest option as, according the the CDC’s website, contamination issues do sometimes occur. Filtered water, on the other hand, is much more affordable, and can be just as healthy as bottled water.
Overall, drinking filtered water is one of the best ways to ensure that you are getting the cleanest and healthiest water possible. It is free of most contaminants, chemicals, and other pollutants, and it tastes much better than tap water. It also works out to be much more affordable than bottled water, making it a great option for those on a budget. So, if you want to make sure that you are drinking the cleanest and healthiest water possible, then drinking HYDROVOS filtered water is your best path to staying healthy and hydrated. Trust Hydrovos, we bring Clean Water for You!