The fact that human beings can go weeks without food but only days without water demonstrates just how essential water is to our survival. It only makes sense that we want to drink the cleanest water available to us so we don’t just survive, but thrive.

Thankfully, Hydrovos has spent the last 40 years researching and producing reverse osmosis water filtration systems to bring clean and fresh water into your home so you always get the best water possible, straight from your faucet. But if you’re still not convinced, here are some key reasons why drinking clean water is important for yourself and your family.


Ultimately, the most important reason that we need clean water is to stay hydrated. Since the human body is composed of more than 70% water, every cell, tissue, and organ relies on water to carry out its functions efficiently. Without enough clean water, these functions can become compromised, leading to dehydration and a range of health issues. With clean water, we know that drinking it will always help with hydration, whereas dirty water can make us sick, and in turn, make us even more dehydrated than before, showing why it’s important to always drink clean water.

Regulating pH Balance

The importance of clean water goes beyond just hydration. The quality of the water we consume also has an effect on the overall pH levels in our bodies, which is a delicate internal equilibrium that influences various physiological processes. Adequate hydration supports the body’s natural buffering systems, helping to regulate pH levels and prevent acidosis or alkalosis, which can have adverse effects on health.

Body Temperature Maintenance

Another reason why it’s important to drink clean water is the influence that our water intake has on regulating body temperature. When the body becomes overheated, such as during exercise or exposure to hot weather, it relies on sweating as a mechanism to cool down. While sweating cools down the body, these fluid losses need to be replaced. Replenishing lost fluids by drinking clean water is essential for maintaining proper hydration, which may not be as effective when drinking unfiltered tap water may contain contaminants and chemicals, such as PFAS or “forever chemicals”.

Picture of water dropping into a pool

Flushing Impurities

The importance of clean water extends to keeping your insides clean. The level of impurities in the water that you put in your body has a direct correlation to the impurities that can be found in your body, which is why drinking clean water is so important. Clean water plays a crucial role in detoxifying the body and eliminating waste products. The kidneys, in particular, rely on water to filter waste from the blood and produce urine. Drinking an ample amount of clean water helps ensure that the kidneys can function optimally, flushing out toxins, metabolic byproducts, and excess substances such as salt and urea. Liver function also requires proper hydration to aid in detoxification and waste removal.

Digestive Health

Clean water is important to drink for digestive health, aiding in the breakdown, absorption, and transport of nutrients throughout the body. Water helps soften stool and facilitate bowel movements, preventing constipation and promoting regularity. Drinking enough clean water is important as it also supports the production of digestive juices, such as saliva, gastric acid, and bile, which are necessary for breaking down food and promoting efficient digestion. So ultimately, the cleaner the water you drink, the healthier your gut is, which is crucial considering the role that digestion plays in overall bodily processes.

Clear Skin

If you are concerned with the health of your skin, drinking clean water is one of the most important things you can do to improve its health and appearance. Sufficient hydration with clean, filtered water keeps the skin hydrated from the inside out, improving elasticity, texture, and appearance. Moreover, in terms of skin health, staying properly hydrated enables the skin to flush out any impurities leaving behind a radiant glow.

At the end of the day, it’s clear why drinking clean water is important for everyone. Being mindful of the water you drink has significant benefits in terms of overall health and well-being while supporting vital bodily functions. By understanding the importance of clean water paired with adequate hydration, you can optimize your health, enhance your vitality, and thrive in all aspects of life.

If you’re ready to make having clean water a regularity in your home, look no further than Hydrovos. Whether you’re looking for kitchen/bathroom or whole house filtration systems, Hydrovos has what you need to have clean water coming straight from your faucet. Shop online today or contact us to learn more. Hydrovos – Clean Water For You.