Inline Water Filters For Home 

Hydrovos knows that having access to clean water in your home is paramount to your family’s health, well-being, and peace of mind. That’s why we have made it our goal to provide filtered and fresh drinking water systems available for homes and water lines of all sizes with the help of our inline water filters. Our inline activated carbon filters are designed to attach to any cold water line you may have running through your home to improve the taste and cleanliness of the water that runs through it.


Multiple Applications

One major benefit of the Hydrovos inline water filter for the home is that it provides filtered water wherever it can fit. An impressive 0.5 GPM flow rate makes our inline filter suitable for slow-flow applications like kitchen and bathroom faucets, ice machines, refrigerators, water dispensers, reverse osmosis post-filters, RV water systems, and more!

HV-CTO-INLINE QC Granular Activated Carbon Inline Refrigerator Water Filter

HV-CTO-INLINE Granular Activated Carbon Inline Refrigerator Water Filter

Easy Installation

Installation is a breeze, as our inline water filters for home are equipped with 1/4” “quick connect” fitting ports. These quick-connect ports are designed to work with either copper tubing or flexible polyethylene tubing, both of which are commonly found in most households. To install, make a clean cut without crushing the tubing and push into the 1/4” QC port until you feel a “pop.” Now, you are ready to enjoy filtered water.

The secret is the Granular Activated Carbon bed, which efficiently reduces chlorine smell and taste, as well as other off-putting tastes and odors. Our inline water filter for homes is manufactured from the highest quality, food-grade components for materials safety and is certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 42 for Materials Safety. 

Shop Now

Shop our inline activated carbon filters or reverse osmosis filtration systems and taste the Hydrovos difference. With a range of products for use in all areas of your home, you can trust Hydrovos to bring the cleanest water everywhere you use it.