There is considerable concern out there about chlorine in our treated water supply, as well as an interest in removing any traces of “pool taste” from the water we drink. So, what’s the issue with chlorine – and if we can remove it from our treated water, how do we do it?
Enter the latest innovations in home water filtration: reverse osmosis can remove chlorine from water, and there are new improvements in the technology that are affordable and scalable to the comfort of your home.
Learn more about how the RO process can remove chlorine from water, serving as the key to your and your family’s greater enjoyment of safer, healthier drinking water, without blowing your budget.
What is Chlorine?
Chlorine, or Cl, is a basic element that serves as one of the most basic building blocks of everything in the known universe. By itself, that’s all it is – just another piece of the puzzle, just like water is simply a combination of two Hydrogen atoms combined with one Oxygen atom: H2O.
But when we add chlorine to water, things get a little trickier. It’s likely you’ve heard of terms like “pool smell” before, where the water in treated pools has a different, more chemical smell to it. This is due to chlorine being used to treat the water, because it has been proven to be extremely effective in killing germs and keeping pipes free from mold and other harmful growths. However, chlorine is pretty indiscriminate when it comes to what it goes after, which is why it means that frequent swimmers are more prone to burned eyes and have to take extra care of their hair, skin, and swimsuits.
Why Remove the Chlorine? Why Reverse Osmosis?
Chlorine does harsh things to our bodies, and for municipalities that use a considerable amount of it to treat their water, it can add an unpleasant smell and taste and make washing clothing a more frustrating process. Because of this, there’s considerable interest in getting chlorine out of the drinking water before actually using it.
Reverse osmosis, or RO, does significantly help remove chlorine from water by using carbon filtration. RO essentially “squeezes” and captures toxins with a porous semi-permeable membrane that only allows the smallest of particles – such as H2O – to go through: think of reverse osmosis as similar to straining pasta with layers of colanders, so even the smallest of noodles remain, while all the excess water and extra starches go out. When used with carbon, RO also removes chlorine and provides some of the cleanest drinking water available.
The increased consumer interest in removing chlorine from tap water continues to make it more accessible than ever to add it to your home.
Additionally, do you have a fish tank or fish bowl? RO water does remove chlorine significantly, and reducing the amount of chlorine will do wonders for your aquarium, as changing the water supply will be a far simpler process, removing the need for additional costly filtration systems or chemicals.
How Do At-Home Reverse Osmosis Systems Remove Chlorine From My Home’s Water?
There are many options now on the market, which means that you are now in control of even more of your and your family’s decisions regarding your health and well-being! No longer is reverse osmosis a process only meant for large treatment plants, including ones that turn seawater into fresh drinking water: whether you go for filtering your kitchen faucet or you opt to add an additional storage tank, you have options for affordable and accessible opportunities for implementing reverse osmosis.
Do not hesitate to reach out to our team for more specifics on our variety of tanks, filters, and other systems that can best suit you and your family’s needs.
Besides Chlorine, Does RO Remove Anything Else From My Water?
Reverse osmosis significantly filters out myriad pollutants, both from the natural environment, such as water-borne diseases and germs, as well as human-created toxins, including microplastics and dangerous chemicals. That said, because it is so effective in filtration, it can also remove potentially beneficial nutrients from the water. Some who love the taste of “hard” mineral water may opt for other forms of filtration systems.
If you are in an area where there is especially mineral-rich water, and you appreciate its taste and health benefits, please contact us to get more answers on how to get the best of both worlds: enhanced water safety and your appreciation for your local water supply.
Contact us!
Reverse osmosis does, indeed, effectively remove not only chlorine from water, but also many other dangerous elements, including diseases and pollutants. While the decision to invest in your at-home water quality might be a daunting process at first, we look forward to supporting you and providing the best solutions to keep you and your family healthy and comfortable. Explore our options today!